Cat as a service

Is a REST API to spread peace and love (or not) thanks to cats.
Have 0 cats for now

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Hey cat lovers, new major version of cataas :


/catWill return a random catRandom cat
/cat/:tagWill return a random cat with a :tag, You can combine multiple tags with :tag separatorRandom orange cute cat
/cat/gifWill return a random gif cat \o/Random gif cat
/cat/says/:textWill return a random cat saying :textRandom cat saying hello
/cat/:tag/says/:textWill return a random cat with a :tag and saying :textRandom cute cat saying hello
/cat/says/:text?fontSize=:size&fontColor=:colorWill return a random cat saying :text with text's :fontSize and text's :fontColorCustom random cat saying hello


/cat?type=:typeWill return a random cat with image :type (xsmall, small, medium or square)Random cat with type
/cat?filter=:filterWill return a random cat with image filtered by :filter (blur, mono, negate or custom)Random cat filtered
/cat?filter=custom&brightness=:brightness&lightness=:lightness&saturation=:saturation&hue=:hueWill return a random cat with image filtered by :brightness, :lightness, :saturation and :hueRandom cat filtered
/cat?filter=custom&r=:red&g=:green&b=:blueWill return a random cat with image filtered by :red, :green and :blueRandom cat filtered
/cat?width=:width or /cat?height=:heightWill return a random cat with :width or :heightRandom cat with custom size
/cat?html=trueWill return a random cat in a HTML page, usefull for Twitter or Facebook embedded renderRandom cat in HTML
/cat?json=trueWill return a random cat in a JSON objectRandom cat in JSON
/cat/gif/says/Hello?filter=mono&fontColor=orange&fontSize=20&type=squareMix 'em all :DCombo

Get JSON data

/api/cats?tags=tag1,tag2&skip=0&limit=10Will return all catsGet all cute cats
/api/tagsWill return all tagsGet all tags